About Me

Hey there, I’m Ashley

I’m on that journey. The one where you change yourself, constantly rediscover who you are, and challenge yourself to become who you want to be. I have no idea who I am yet, but I work tirelessly to find her — and I want you to join me as we both navigate the obstacles of our twenty-something years and discover the tools that help us become the best version of ourselves.

As a young woman in a patriarchal society, coming-of-age is confusing, unsettling, and sometimes even miserable. I know. As a teen I constantly battled with depression, anxiety, even self-harm, and now that I’m a fully-fledged adult, I sometimes struggle to keep these old challenges at bay while navigating the new and dark waters of establishing a career, building relationships, and even just figuring out what the hell I want out of this life. But I haven’t stopped. Every day I feel closer to the woman I want to be, and I want to share this journey with you and the steps I’ve taken to get here.

Two of the tools that have helped me grow the most have been travel and writing. Ever since I was a struggling, cringey teen, writing has been one of the only outlets that gives me peace of mind. I wrote my way through high school, pursued creative writing for my bachelor’s degree, and now I’m an MFA student in creative writing at Emerson, still following the dream. Teenage me would be so proud :,).

Born in Guam and part of a military family, travel and transience are integral to my identity. My first taste of substantial international travel was on a tour across Europe after I graduated high school, and I’ve craved exploring new places ever since. So far I’ve been to eleven countries and sixteen of the fifty States, and I hope to share with you as I check off as many more as possible. I believe not only traveling to, but living in many different places helps us to develop a sense of perspective and appreciation in life that we simply don’t get when we are born and die in the same place. Personally, I have grown much more than I otherwise would have through my international experiences.

I’ve been living in Las Vegas for about a year and a half since graduating college, and I am moving to Boston this fall! I can’t wait to share all the ups and downs with you.

Have suggestions, requests, inquiries, or just want to be friends? I would love to hear from you!

Ashley in Action